The Novato Space Festival showcases some of the most unique space artifacts on this side of the Milky Way.
List of Exhibitors:
Artwork by Rouch
B612 Foundation
Buck Institute/North Bay Science Discovery Day
Charles M. Schulz Museum
Galactic Unite
Golden Gate Garrison 501st
Joe Martinez – Rocket models
Marin County Free Library
Morrison Planetarium
NASA SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy)
NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
NASA Communications Center – Ames
NASA Goddard – Hubble space tools/Ed Rezac
National Space Society
Novato High School Air Force JROTC – kids activities
Penguin Empire Robotics
The Planetary Society
Rebel Legion
SF Amateur Astronomers – lens grinding
Sonoma County Radio Amateurs
TSS Volunteer table
TSS Book sales table
U.C. Berkeley – Space Sciences Lab
USPS – new Apollo stamps
USS Hornet Sea, Air & Space Museum – cockpit